• Children that survived past their 5th birthday per woman - based on Gapminder (2015)

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  • The child mortality rate is the probability that a child born in a specific year will die before reaching the age of five if subject to current age-specific mortality rates.

    The child survival rate is 1-child mortality rate

    Child survival rate was multiplied by fertility to obtain the data on how many children died on average per woman.

  • Entity Year Children that survived past their 5th birthday per woman (based on Gapminder (2015))
    Bulgaria 2015 2.56
    Croatia 2015 2.52
    Guyana 2015 2.37
    Czech Republic 2015 2.6
    Azerbaijan 2015 2.83
    India 2015 2.31
    Cuba 2015 1.44
    French Polynesia 2015 2.01
    Comoros 2015 4.25
    Laos 2015 3.68
    Central African Republic 2015 4.65
    Israel 2015 3.85
    Kazakhstan 2015 2.37
    Afghanistan 2015 4.06
    Guinea 2015 4.3
    Iceland 2015 2.05
    Guadeloupe 2015 2.04
    Equatorial Guinea 2015 4.21
    Guam 2015 2.34
    Fiji 2015 2.48
    Zimbabwe 2015 3.08
    Indonesia 2015 2.22
    Ethiopia 2015 4.03
    Germany 2015 1.43
    Costa Rica 2015 2.75
    French Guiana 2015 3.96
    Guatemala 2015 4.56
    Haiti 2015 3.82
    Hong Kong 2015 1.17
    Jamaica 2015 2.18
    Belgium 2015 2.85
    Jordan 2015 3.06
    France 2015 2.97
    Belarus 2015 2.51
    Aruba 2015 2.64
    Australia 2015 2.87
    Canada 2015 2.67
    Democratic Republic of Congo 2015 5.16
    Estonia 2015 2.61
    Finland 2015 2.85
    Barbados 2015 2.83
    Gambia 2015 5.28
    Angola 2015 5.76
    Egypt 2015 3.64
    Bangladesh 2015 2.04
    Guinea-Bissau 2015 4.36
    Eritrea 2015 4.31
    Algeria 2015 3.64
    Benin 2015 4.22
    Ecuador 2015 2.45
    Djibouti 2015 3.04
    Greece 2015 2.54
    Bahamas 2015 2.86
    Kiribati 2015 3.73
    Burundi 2015 5.38
    El Salvador 2015 2.1
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015 1.31
    Denmark 2015 2.88
    Gabon 2015 4.76
    Lesotho 2015 3.65
    Ghana 2015 4.5
    Georgia 2015 2.79
    Brazil 2015 2.76
    Channel Islands 2015 1.46
    Albania 2015 2.76
    Ireland 2015 2.99
    Botswana 2015 2.4
    Kyrgyzstan 2015 3.98
    Argentina 2015 2.12
    Burkina Faso 2015 5.95
    Belize 2015 3.56
    Chad 2015 5.2
    Grenada 2015 2.1
    Cape Verde 2015 2.17
    Colombia 2015 2.19
    Cote d'Ivoire 2015 4.31
    Congo 2015 5.64
    Iraq 2015 4.78
    Italy 2015 2.51
    Cambodia 2015 3.71
    Kenya 2015 4.02
    Bahrain 2015 2.02
    Dominican Republic 2015 2.35
    Japan 2015 1.44
    Lebanon 2015 1.48
    Honduras 2015 3.85
    Cameroon 2015 4.22
    Chile 2015 2.79
    Brunei 2015 2.94
    Austria 2015 1.49
    Antigua and Barbuda 2015 2.05
    Hungary 2015 1.43
    Iran 2015 2.88
    Cyprus 2015 1.45
    Kuwait 2015 3.53
    China 2015 2.66
    Latvia 2015 2.62
    Liberia 2015 4.32
    Bhutan 2015 2.08
    Bolivia 2015 3.02
  • Sources

    Data Published By: This data was calculated by Max Roser based on fertility and child mortality estimates from 1800 to 2015 published by Gapminder.org

    Data publisher source:The two Gapminder.org datasets used were: Gapminder child mortality estimates version 8, Gapminder Total Fertility Rate estimates version 6


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