CDIAC denote a "statistical difference" component which has been included in this data. This statistical difference represents the difference between estimated global CO2 emissions and the sum of national totals. Estimates of CO2 emissions show that the global total of emissions is not equal to the sum of emissions from all countries. This is introduced in several cases: emissions within international territories, which are included in global totals but not attributed to individual countries; inconsistent national reporting where global import and export data is imbalanced; and differing treatment of non-fuel uses of hydrocarbons.
Full methodology on global, regional, national and statistical difference estimations can be found in Le Quere et al. (2016): Le Quéré, C., Andrew, R. M., Canadell, J. G., Sitch, S., Korsbakken, J. I., Peters, G. P., ... & Keeling, R. F. (2016). Global carbon budget 2016. Earth System Science Data, 8(2), 605. Available at: doi:10.5194/essd-8-605-2016.
India | 2015 | 2.28 |
EU-28 | 2015 | 3.26 |
Middle East | 2015 | 2.43 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2015 | 5.94 |
China | 2015 | 10.23 |
Europe (other) | 2015 | 2.17 |
Statistical difference | 2015 | 1.0 |
United States | 2015 | 5.1 |
Africa | 2015 | 1.32 |
Americas (other) | 2015 | 2.34 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2015 | 1.12 |
Middle East | 2014 | 3.65 |
Americas (other) | 2014 | 2.37 |
Statistical difference | 2014 | 1.29 |
United States | 2014 | 5.26 |
India | 2014 | 2.24 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2014 | 4.25 |
EU-28 | 2014 | 3.25 |
Europe (other) | 2014 | 2.23 |
Africa | 2014 | 1.19 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2014 | 1.13 |
China | 2014 | 10.3 |
China | 2013 | 10.27 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2013 | 1.12 |
India | 2013 | 2.04 |
United States | 2013 | 5.16 |
EU-28 | 2013 | 3.42 |
Middle East | 2013 | 2.49 |
Africa | 2013 | 1.16 |
Europe (other) | 2013 | 2.37 |
Statistical difference | 2013 | 1.27 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2013 | 4.25 |
Americas (other) | 2013 | 2.32 |
EU-28 | 2012 | 4.5 |
Europe (other) | 2012 | 2.43 |
Americas (other) | 2012 | 2.29 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2012 | 4.31 |
United States | 2012 | 5.12 |
China | 2012 | 10.04 |
Africa | 2012 | 1.13 |
India | 2012 | 2.02 |
Statistical difference | 2012 | 1.04 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2012 | 1.09 |
Middle East | 2012 | 3.52 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2011 | 1.15 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2011 | 4.26 |
United States | 2011 | 5.29 |
EU-28 | 2011 | 4.57 |
Africa | 2011 | 1.08 |
Americas (other) | 2011 | 2.23 |
Middle East | 2011 | 2.37 |
China | 2011 | 10.74 |
India | 2011 | 2.84 |
Europe (other) | 2011 | 2.35 |
Statistical difference | 2011 | 1.98 |
Americas (other) | 2010 | 2.19 |
EU-28 | 2010 | 4.71 |
Europe (other) | 2010 | 2.28 |
India | 2010 | 2.72 |
United States | 2010 | 5.4 |
Africa | 2010 | 1.08 |
Statistical difference | 2010 | 1.88 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2010 | 1.12 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2010 | 4.02 |
China | 2010 | 9.78 |
Middle East | 2010 | 2.3 |
India | 2009 | 2.74 |
EU-28 | 2009 | 4.6 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2009 | 4.79 |
Statistical difference | 2009 | 1.93 |
Europe (other) | 2009 | 2.13 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2009 | 1.05 |
Africa | 2009 | 1.07 |
Middle East | 2009 | 2.2 |
China | 2009 | 8.01 |
United States | 2009 | 5.27 |
Americas (other) | 2009 | 2.12 |
India | 2008 | 2.57 |
Statistical difference | 2008 | 1.86 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2008 | 4.87 |
Middle East | 2008 | 2.13 |
Africa | 2008 | 1.07 |
Americas (other) | 2008 | 2.18 |
EU-28 | 2008 | 4.92 |
Europe (other) | 2008 | 2.34 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2008 | 1.1 |
United States | 2008 | 6.62 |
China | 2008 | 8.56 |
International aviation and maritime transport | 2007 | 1.09 |
Americas (other) | 2007 | 2.09 |
Statistical difference | 2007 | 1.71 |
China | 2007 | 7.04 |
Middle East | 2007 | 2.98 |
United States | 2007 | 6.79 |
Africa | 2007 | 1.02 |
Asia and Pacific (other) | 2007 | 4.8 |
Europe (other) | 2007 | 2.28 |
EU-28 | 2007 | 4.01 |
India | 2007 | 1.41 |
Africa | 2006 | 1.98 |
Data Published By: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)
Data publisher source:Boden, T. A. and Andres, R. J.: Global, Regional, and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA (2016)