• Caloric Coefficient of Variation (CV) - FAO Food Security Indicators (2017)

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  • The coefficient variation (CV) measures the inequality of caloric intake across a given population. It represents a statistical measure of the data spread around the mean caloric intake. Higher CV values represent larger levels of dietary inequality.

    Where data is sufficiently available, the FAO estimate the CV based on household survey data. Where unavailable, it is calculated based on regression analysis from Gini coefficient, income and food price data.

    The CV of caloric intake is reported only for developing countries within the Food Security Indicators.

  • Entity Year Caloric Coefficient Variation (CV) (FAO Food Security Indicators (2017))
    Pakistan 2014 0.31
    Nigeria 2014 0.25
    Cote d'Ivoire 2014 0.38
    Paraguay 2014 0.23
    Haiti 2014 0.49
    Zimbabwe 2014 0.31
    Cameroon 2014 0.25
    Burkina Faso 2014 0.41
    Panama 2014 0.27
    Rwanda 2014 0.32
    Bangladesh 2014 0.26
    Kazakhstan 2014 0.26
    Georgia 2014 0.25
    Saudi Arabia 2014 0.22
    Ghana 2014 0.27
    Cambodia 2014 0.27
    Djibouti 2014 0.3
    Brazil 2014 0.23
    Lesotho 2014 0.27
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2014 0.24
    Sao Tome and Principe 2014 0.24
    Samoa 2014 0.23
    India 2014 0.25
    Senegal 2014 0.24
    Afghanistan 2014 0.25
    Colombia 2014 0.27
    Indonesia 2014 0.28
    Fiji 2014 0.24
    Sierra Leone 2014 0.36
    Namibia 2014 0.24
    Egypt 2014 0.29
    Mozambique 2014 0.35
    Dominican Republic 2014 0.24
    Azerbaijan 2014 0.21
    Lebanon 2014 0.26
    Ecuador 2014 0.23
    Gabon 2014 0.2
    Kuwait 2014 0.26
    Philippines 2014 0.29
    Malaysia 2014 0.22
    Peru 2014 0.25
    Botswana 2014 0.25
    Honduras 2014 0.31
    Guatemala 2014 0.3
    Madagascar 2014 0.28
    Nepal 2014 0.29
    Suriname 2014 0.24
    Sri Lanka 2014 0.35
    Solomon Islands 2014 0.24
    Algeria 2014 0.28
    Malawi 2014 0.32
    Guyana 2014 0.25
    Timor 2014 0.32
    Jordan 2014 0.24
    Armenia 2014 0.24
    Chad 2014 0.36
    Nicaragua 2014 0.32
    Kyrgyzstan 2014 0.25
    Belize 2014 0.25
    China 2014 0.32
    Myanmar 2014 0.27
    Laos 2014 0.25
    Congo 2014 0.28
    Mali 2014 0.27
    North Korea 2014 0.26
    Kenya 2014 0.23
    Chile 2014 0.22
    Morocco 2014 0.31
    Mexico 2014 0.26
    Guinea 2014 0.32
    Cuba 2014 0.23
    Guinea-Bissau 2014 0.28
    Maldives 2014 0.25
    Mauritius 2014 0.27
    Angola 2014 0.3
    Tanzania 2014 0.36
    Costa Rica 2014 0.22
    Iran 2014 0.27
    Liberia 2014 0.35
    Swaziland 2014 0.25
    Jamaica 2014 0.24
    Niger 2014 0.28
    Ethiopia 2014 0.31
    Benin 2014 0.28
    Mauritania 2014 0.28
    Mongolia 2014 0.29
    Tajikistan 2014 0.3
    Barbados 2014 0.22
    Thailand 2014 0.24
    Togo 2014 0.29
    Bolivia 2014 0.23
    Gambia 2014 0.27
    Brunei 2014 0.21
    Cabo Verde 2014 0.25
    Central African Republic 2014 0.3
    South Korea 2014 0.22
    El Salvador 2014 0.26
    Iraq 2014 0.38
    South Africa 2014 0.22
    Argentina 2014 0.21
  • Sources

    Data Published By: FAO Food Security Indicators

    Data publisher source:

    Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20141020065619/http://www.fao.org/economic/ess/ess-fs/fs-data/en/

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